Coronavirus (Covid-19) Company Policy

The Iver Makeup Academy – Coronavirus (Covid-19) Company Policy

  • This policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. You are kindly requested to follow all these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe workplace in this unique environment. It’s important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions. We assure you that we will always treat your private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity.
  • This coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines. If so, we will update you as soon as possible by email. This coronavirus policy applies to all of our employees and students who physically work in our offices or classrooms. We strongly recommend to all personnel to read through this action plan thoroughly, to ensure we collectively and uniformly respond to this challenge.

Policy Elements

We outline the required actions employees and students should take to protect themselves and their co-workers from a potential coronavirus infection.


  • Covid-19 H&S Training
  • Cleaning
  • Social distancing
  • Testing
  • Communication of Symptoms
  • Remote working
  • Travel / Commuting
  • Personal Hygiene
  • PPE
  • Kit and Equipment
  • Mental Health
  • Reporting
  • Links
  • Information

Health and Safety training

  • Will be provided by IMA.
  • Daily H&S briefing for all staff and students.
  • Clear signage regarding process and procedures, Re. Pedal / No touch bins in all rooms, sanitizers, Soap, hand gel and PPE.
  • Any personal data gathered and retained must be processed in line with data protection laws and the Group’s policies, particularly on data retention.
  • Monitor RIDDOR guidelines in relation to reporting requirements in event of illness on site.


  • Use air borne anti-viral spray (fogging) throughout the academy on a weekly basis
  • Workstations cleaned regularly by students and staff at IMA
  • Studios cleaned daily by Pinewood Staff
  • Kitchen and office cleaned daily by Pinewood staff and after use by staff and students.
  • UV wands and sanitizing units to be used on all equipment in IMA
  • Cleaning should be undertaken in line with UK Government guidance and supervised by staff with appropriate COVID-19 awareness training.
  • NB: Further COVID-19 specific guidance on decontamination in non-healthcare environments is available from the UK Government.
  • Take extra measures to clean and disinfect all working, waiting and other communal areas, e.g. offices, dressing rooms, eating areas, toilets/washrooms, queueing areas, regularly through the day. Identify high contact surfaces, such as door handles, that may need disinfecting frequently.

Social Distancing

  • Signage with social distancing clearly established
  • Office , staffroom and kitchen / toilet area to adhere to the stated minimum amount of people at one time.
  • Remove own makeup where possible (following COVID-19 safe hygiene practice)


All visitors entering the Academy will be required to show a negative lateral flow test. This can be supplied by us.

Communication of Symptoms

  • Rapid sharing of information if someone is taken ill on site from possible COVID-19.
  • Follow procedures for leaving site and minimising contact wherever possible.
  • If anyone develops symptoms of COVID-19 on site, they must be sent home quickly and directly and advised to follow the stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection and to apply for a test. Appropriate arrangements should be made to transport the individual home, whilst minimising the risk of further infection.
  • If persons attending site live in a household where someone else is unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 or who have tested positive, then they must stay at home in line with the stay at home guidance Identify suitable areas (for example empty meeting rooms) which may be available for temporary isolation All persons testing positive for COVID-19 must stay away from site and follow government guidance on self-isolation.
  • Admin team to inform the Pinewood rep if any of their staff test positive for COVID-19 as soon as possible.
  • If the person experiencing symptoms is confirmed as having COVID-19, those who have been in close contact who need to self-isolate will be contacted by the NHS test and trace service. They will receive a formal notification (either a phone call, letter, email or text message) setting out how long they need to self-isolate for Persons identified by NHS test and trace as close contacts of someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) must immediately self-isolate at home for 14 days from the date of last contact with the person and must not return to site until the end of the 14-day period or longer if they develop symptoms.
  • Consideration should be given to the level of exposure to the individual with symptoms.
  • Follow the NHS ‘test and trace’ guidance and notifications.
  • Seek to identify areas and other persons that they may have come into contact.

Remote working

  • If you are feeling unwell you must not enter the Academy. If you are in the Academy and start to feel unwell you must inform the office and return home immediately following the procedures set out in this document .
  • If you have recently returned from overseas (based on Government announcements), we will ask you to work remotely via Zoom for the recommended time frame and return to the Academy only if you are fully asymptomatic. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
  • If you’ve been in close contact with someone infected by COVID-19, or you have been contacted by track and trace, you will be asked to work remotely. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
  • If you’re a parent and you have to stay at home with your children, you will be able to work remotely. Follow up with the office or tutor to make arrangements and set expectations.
  • If you need to provide care to a family member infected by COVID-19, request to work remotely. You’ll only be permitted to return to the Academy within the recommended time frame after your family member has fully recovered, provided that you’re asymptomatic or you have a doctor’s note confirming you don’t have the virus. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.

Travel / Commuting measures

  • All travel to and from the Academy must be done in accordance with Government guidelines. Face coverings must be work on public transport including the Pinewood Shuttle bus.
  • In-person interviews and meeting prior to course start dates should be done virtually where possible.
  • If you are planning to travel from overseas you will be required to quarantine for the allocated amount of time as per UK Government guidelines. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.

Personal Hygiene rules

  • Wash your hands regularly for more than 20 seconds and between each makeup application or hair work, using warm water and anti-bacterial soap. You can also use the sanitizers you’ll find around the office. Shoe covers or a change of “indoor” shoes must be worn in the academy at all times.
  • No outside coats or bags in the makeup rooms.
  • Masks must be worn at all times in the Iver Academy makeup studios, corridor and kitchen area . If you must cough or sneeze do it into your sleeve, preferably into your elbow. If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize your hands immediately.
  • Apron or coverall must be worm at all times in the makeup studios.
  • Eye protection must be worn when applying makeup to a model.
  • Hair and Makeup Kit is allocated to each individual and this must not be used on anyone else whilst training at the academy. It must stay in your allocated cubicle. If this kit is removed  for a job outside of IMA it must be fully sanitized before being delivered to the Iver Academy.
  • Windows, air purifiers, and extractor fans must be regularly used to ensure ventilation and movement of air.
  • Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected. Regardless of whether you are wearing gloves.
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • Gloves must be worn when doing makeup around eyes, nose and mouth .


  • Enhanced PPE of N95 mask and visor when working on models/actors Hair, Makeup and SFX.
  • Work within allocated “bubbles”.
  • Mask to be worn within the corridor and kitchen area.
  • N95 type mask, eye covering and apron to be worn when doing makeup / hair on models.
  • It is not a recommendation to require gloves for all practises. When gloves are worn for infection control purposes, they must be changed with each practise. Gloves worn all day, become more troublesome than no gloves at all. It is recommended that HMUA’s be more adherent to the existing rules regarding hand washing after and before each practise. It is further recommended that the HMUA washes hands in front of the Actor/Model if the opportunity exists.
  • When applying makeup sleeves must be rolled up to elbows and all jeweller and watches removed.With some exception i.e wedding ring.
  • Hands washed and nails scrubbed before touching a model or actor.
  • Hands washed before touching equipment.
  • Tutors to wear enhanced PPE for demos and teaching.
  • No false nails or nail varnish to be worn.
  • Over shoes or indoor shoes to be worn at all times in IMA.

Kit and Equipment

  • All student kits are new and un-opened. They remain the property of the individual to be used on the individual only. Disposable sponges, brushes and applicators will be available.
  • Sterilizing units and equipment will be available to all students and staff after each use.
  • Studio equipment to be sanitised before and after each use.
  • To reduce transmission when handling equipment and other items, encourage increased handwashing.
  • Personal items must not be shared , e.g. phones/iPads, chargers, pens, and to take responsibility for regularly disinfecting their own personal equipment.

Mental Health

  • Ensure the mental health and wellbeing of all staff and students is given sufficient priority. They may be experiencing additional COVID-19 related anxiety and stress at this unusual time, whether they are returning to the workplace, or working from home.
  • Clearly display details of available support across the Academy.  The Film And TV Charity operates a 24-hour support line in the UK – 0800 054 0000.
  • The UK Government has published guidance on the mental health and wellbeing aspects of COVID-19.


  • All potential incidents of Covid-19 transmission to be reported and recorded. All written records kept with Admin team.
  • Reported to Pinewood Covid-19 response team through Customer services desk.
  • Responsibilities fall to:
  • Elizabeth Tagg- Wooster- Principal or in her absence her deputies: Tamsin Barbosa – Vice Principal or lead shareholder on site.



All HMU team to adhere to IMA H&S guidelines/tests/social distancing
All HMU team trained in how to wear/use/dispose of PPE
All HMU team have ‘Fit RPE test’ according to HSE guidelines as per HMU industry.
All HMU team to be trained fully in latest HSE – H&S COSSH/RIDDOR/COVID19
All HMU team to check for contact Dermatitis – follow HSE guidelines
All HMU team to abide by H&S HSE/PHE standards for Hair/Beauty industry
All HMU team to ‘Stay Alert’ and report any cast/team members that shows any early signs of COVID19

Published July 2020 by Elizabeth Tagg- Wooster- Principal